Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Future in Music Video Production?

This is what Sisi and her friends do in their spare time. It was so creative, I had to share it. Now if only I could get her to spend as much energy and thought on her school work!


1 comment:

  1. Ah, another thing you need facebook for. I guess I'll have to join one day.

    **We interrupt this blog posting for an important announcement**
    The holiday shopping season is in full swing, and NOW is the time for all the supporters of BWE work to put their money where their mouths are.
    Now is the time to support blog hosts by buying their books as gifts for friends (or yourself!) Now is the time to head over to and find a sista who's whipping up homemade products. Buy them as gifts.
    Now's the time to buy a Rissi Palmer or Angel Taylor CD.
    Now's the time to hit up Loose ID for Roslyn's latest release.
    Now's the time to order homemade cookies from that sista you know who bakes up batches to sell every holiday season.
    Now is the time.
